HHW Drop Off Sites accept the most common types of HHW items:
- Fluorescent Bulbs/Tubes
- Batteries (single use such as Duracell’s and Energizers, and rechargeable batteries such as LiIon and NiCad batteries)
- Sharps (lancets, needles, etc.)
- Medications
- Paint
PaintCare Program:
Households and businesses can take their unwanted or leftover paints to any PaintCare drop-off site, typically in paint retailer storefronts. Details: https://www.paintcare.org/states/california/

In addition, the County has partnered with other specialized locations (primarily auto shops, parts stores, a marina, etc.) in the following areas:
Used Oil Recycling Program: Several locations across Fresno County that are active participants in the Used Oil Certified Collection Center (CCC) program often have storage tanks on-site to collect and safely dispose of used oil and filters. Learn more: www.fresnocountyca.gov/usedoil
Caution! Don’t mix used oil with other liquids, like transmission fluid, gasoline, or antifreeze. This could be very dangerous. Click here for our list of HHW drop-off sites for other automotive materials.
- Other automotive fluids: transmission fluid and antifreeze
HHW lists all of the types and examples of HHW: www.fresnocountyca.gov/hhw.
We do have information that can refer residents to locations for special wastes such as mattresses and tires. Our website should have information on these items when you peruse through it: www.fresnocountyca.gov/recycling. If you scroll down you will find items such as mattresses and used tires.
Common items that people may want to bring to the HHW Facility, but we do NOT accept are:
- Fireworks
- Explosives
- Firearms or ammunition
- Mattresses
- Carpet
- Large appliances
- Any item heavier than 125 lbs.
- Prescription or over-the-counter medications
- Radioactive materials