By 2025, California will be required to reduce the amount of organic material disposed in landfills by 75% and recover at least 20% of edible food currently discarded for human consumption. These mandates are part of SB 1383, which took effect in 2022, requiring all businesses and residents in Fresno County to separate organic materials into a green cart or bin, with few exceptions. Below, we’ll help you navigate relevant information and resources related to these requirements.
Additional CalRecycle Resources

We’ve provided links below to help you find the information and resources you need specific to your situation under SB 1383. Choose the relevant section to get detailed guidance on how to comply with the new organic waste requirements.
Information for homeowners and renters on separating organic materials and using green carts.
Guidelines for businesses on managing organic waste and ensuring compliance.
Commercial Edible Food Generators
Resources for businesses that generate edible food waste, focusing on recovery and donation requirements.
Multi-Unit Property Owners & Managers
Details for property owners and managers of multi-unit dwellings on managing organic waste for tenants.
Certain areas of Fresno County may be exempt from SB 1383 organics regulations. For more information, please check with your solid waste hauler or the Fresno County Resources Division at (559) 600-4259 or email
SB 1383 requires Commercial Edible Food Generators, such as restaurants, grocery stores, and food manufacturers, to donate surplus edible food to recovery organizations and document their donations. Residents are also encouraged to support food recovery efforts by donating to local charities.
Businesses can earn a 15% rebate on compost purchases, up to $4,000 annually, when purchased through an authorized facility. The Compost Rebate Program supports climate action by enhancing soil health in a sustainable way.